FLIGHT 6 - THRILLER (refer to BRIGHT GREEN on the map)
Are you wondering what the eastern side of Shark Bay looks like?
This is the perfect way to discover the beautiful water formations, only visible from the air.
This flight takes us past Denham where we continue to follow the coastline around Francois Peron National park. Showing the beauty of Big Lagoon, Cape Peron and Monkey Mia. There are ample opportunities to spot rays, sharks, turtles, dolphins as well as other marine species in the crystal clear waters.
From Monkey Mia we continue around Faure Island, passing the “Tiger Stripes” and Faure Siil.
The flight tracks east, over Ocean Park Aquarium, through the magnificent coast line of Freycinet Harbour towards Useless Loop salt ponds along the rugged Zuytdorp Cliffs, taking in the stunning views of the coral reefs of South Passage.
From South Passage we make our way back to Shark Bay airport, finishing our flight over Little Lagoon just before landing.